
Ant Robotics and alwaysAI Launch a Computer Vision Project for 5G Studio Powered by Verizon and Newlab

Chicago, IL, May 2, 2022 – Ant Robotics, Inc., and alwaysAI, Inc., have partnered to announce an innovative paid pilot project for 5G Studio (a joint initiative of Verizon and Newlab), to be completed in May, 2022.
Ant Robotics material handling automation technology brought to life an innovative solution – autonomous transportation robots for industrial spaces, thus helping manufacturers to save up to 80% of material handling expenses. This includes robotic pallet movers, guided by robot-agnostic fleet orchestration, which has every chance of becoming a turning point in the industry.
The project will combine Ant Robotics technological platform, alwaysAI platform, and Verizon 5G infrastructure capabilities, to further increase safety and performance of industrial self-moving robots. The solution, to be showcased at 5G Studio, will be based on MEC (Multi-access edge computing) architecture that provides foundation for powerful distributed computer vision software rolled out over 5G network infrastructure.
“The 5G Studio provides a test bed for truly transformative innovation that leverages the power of Verizon’s 5G network”, said Elise Neel, SVP of New Business Incubation at Verizon.
The decision on collaboration between 5G Studio, Ant Robotics, and alwaysAI, was made because of their mutually complementary capabilities, which enable their synergetic work. The pilot solution will possess features important for customers of industrial robotic products:
  • The low latency enabled by Verizon 5G technology will reduce errors and response time, increase near real-time robot path planning accuracy, and improve data processing capacity.
  • The solution developed by Ant Robotics and alwaysAI will dramatically reduce deployment time.
  • The innovative 5G technology will significantly decrease the computational load on the robot onboard hardware and make it more affordable while remaining safe, efficient, and failure-proof.
“Safety and performance of our products are of utmost priority for us”, said Max Antonenko, Ant Robotics co-founder and CEO. “Computer vision and machine learning technologies, rolled out in a distributed environment, help us build even smarter, human-friendly industrial robots with more affordable cost of ownership. We are also happy to join the cohort of early adopters of advanced 5G features and launch our pilot sponsored by Verizon.”
“We are excited to partner with Ant Robotics to develop a breakthrough industrial solution”, said Marty Beard, alwaysAI CEO and Co-founder, “Today’s robotic devices and appliances critically depend on efficient and reliable artificial intelligence solutions and computer vision software. Our cooperation with Ant Robotics will definitely bring a lot of synergy, so we can achieve results fast and efficiently.”
The final demo event will be organized on the premises of Newlab, a multi-disciplinary, high-tech design and prototyping center in Brooklyn, NY.
“For Newlab, the name of the game is collaboration: the tech center represents an entire think-tank ecosystem in which participating companies will seek out other Newlab companies for ideas, resources, and development”, explained Satish Rao, Newlab Chief Product Officer.

About Ant Robotics

Ant Robotics Inc. develops cutting-edge solutions for automated material handling, which includes robotic moving units and software system to orchestrate robotic transportation fleets. Ant Robotics uses innovative technologies to make its products fit into complex, frequently changing manufacturing environments. This allows manufacturing companies to save up to 40% of their material handling costs. Find out more at

About alwaysAI

alwaysAI® provides developers and enterprises a comprehensive platform for building, training, deploying, and managing computer vision applications on IoT devices. We make computer vision come alive on the edge – where work and life happen. Find out more at

About Newlab

Newlab is home to over 800 entrepreneurs, engineers, and inventors, solving the world’s biggest challenges with leaders and experts across industries and cities. Find out more at .

About Verizon

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed on June 30, 2000 and is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $133.6 billion in 2021. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, security and control.
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